Wildlife Pond
The old farm pond has been restored and stocked with native plants to benefit to local wildlife.
Many years ago, there was a pond in front of the farmhouse, which can be seen on old maps. When we bought the farm, the pond had been partly filled in and there were some weed trees growing in it. It was hardly visible under a huge thicket of brambles. With some help from plucky friends and family, we cleared the brambles, removed the trees, and hired a digger to re-excavate the pond. We could tell when we had reached the original depth of the old pond as there was a rich dark layer of soil and an assortment of pieces of rusty iron. The new pond has underwater contours that are designed to suit wildlife and plants at various depths.
In the winter the pond filled with rainwater, but it dried up again during the summer. When it was full, Jo marked the water height all around the edge, to match the height of the overflow pipe. After some thought, it was decided to line the pond with a rubber liner, as there were a few practical problems with a clay lining. The rubber liner was laid to reach a little above the marked line. Now the pond stays full all year round.
The pond has been planted only with native plant species. These include marsh marigolds, yellow flag iris, flowering rush, sedges, reedmace, hornwort and ragged robin. The bankside planting includes primroses, mullein, teasels, bluebells and grasses. The pond already has a large population of frogs, smooth newts and palmate newts. The various pond invertebrates are moving in - water beetles, water boatmen, whirligigs, pond skaters and dragonflies. It is very relaxing to sit by the pond and watch their antics!